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STARGAZER Oriental Lily Perfume Oil GIFT PACK


6 in stock

SKU: STARGAZER Oriental Lily Perfume-3 Categories: , , Brand:


Gift packaged with a matching 5ml Solid Perfume Oil in a white organza gift bag. Everyone who knows anything about oriental lilies surely knows Stargazer! Pick up just about any home design magazine and you are sure to see these amazing stars in lush array. From towering formal vases of lilies, roses and fern to just a few stems in artful glass, Stargazer’s decorative value is well known and much used. Its waxy 6 petaled form glows from warm to hot red- pink and pales to white around the edges. Each blossom is freckled lightly in maroon. . A bridal bouquet of Stargazer Lilies will perfume the wedding day. Even one lily scents the whole room. Oriental Lilies is are a divine experience, to say the least. This fragrance is heavenly and captures the true scent of Oriental Lillies Long lasting – just a little will last all day


GREAT VALUE FOR MONEY Enjoy the this wonderful scent all day in a completely natural perfume oil and solid perfume oil. Wouldn”t it be great if you could carry your favorite fragrance with you all day? You could have an instant mood-booster right at your disposal. Well, that could prove quite difficult if your scent of choice is a precious, expensive liquid and comes in a fragile, glass container; those perfumes should probably stay on your dresser. But I”ve discovered a fabulous way to carry my favorite scents solid perfume. Solid perfume (or cream perfume) originated in ancient Egypt and made from a mixture of wax, essential oils, and herb or flower essences. These balms were used not only to smell exotic and luxurious, but also to lift the mood of the wearer with the aroma’s therapeutic qualities. Sukran’s solid perfumes have the same idea.


This solid perfume is a fabulous all-natural, organic scent to calm your mind, boost your body, and rejuvenate your spirit This listing is 15ml of CONCENTRATED perfume oil and 5ml of Solid Perfume Oil which will not evaporate or deteriorate over time.


Ingredients: Concentrated Perfume Oil – Alcohol Free. Solid Perfume Oil – Beeswax, Almond Oil and Concentrated Perfume Oil. Perfume Oils are great value for money and you only need the tiniest amount of this super concentrated perfume oil


Buy it – Try it – If you do not like it – I will give you your money back – 100% satisfaction guaranteed.

Additional information

Weight 50 g


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